Archived: 2024 National MRPC Annual Meeting

There is a photo gallery of the meeting located at the bottom of the page. Click to View
We are so excited to have you join us in beautiful Winona, Minnesota, on September 18-20. This year's meeting will be at the Riverport Inn and Event Center, 900 Bruski Drive, Winona.
Below are a few notes to help you plan your trip to this year's meeting.
- Find the detailed agenda here.
- Registration will be in the hotel lobby from 5:00-5:30pm Wednesday. If you miss registration, we'll have name tags at the Welcome Reception, and you can pick up your meeting packet on Thursday morning at the general session.
- Wednesday evening’s Welcome Reception will be held at one of our Great River Road Interpretive Centers, the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, 800 Riverview Drive, Winona. The reception is scheduled from 5:30-8:00pm—you are welcome to arrive and leave on your own schedule. If you need or prefer a ride to the reception, sign up at the MRPC registration table in the hotel lobby; we will plan to leave the hotel at 5:30pm.
- If you have an exhibit or want to display your materials, tables are available in the Reinhard Room, which adjoins our general session. You are welcome to set up anytime starting at 7:00am Thursday.
- All first-time attendees are invited to the New Member Orientation at 7:30am Thursday in the Board Room.
- Thursday's general session for all attendees will begin at 8:00am in the Sugarloaf Room.
- We will travel by bus to our banquet on Thursday evening at the Winona County Historical Society, another Great River Road Interpretive Center. The bus is ADA accessible, and there will be plenty of room for everyone.
- Meeting attire is generally business casual with an optional dressy attire for the evening banquet.
- If you have any follow up questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].
Safe travel to everyone. See you along the Great River Road National Scenic Byway, All-American Road soon!